International Competition Network (ICN)
The Commission joined the ICN on 4 December 2013.
The ICN is an international network established in October 2001, now comprising about 130 member competition authorities with the common aim of addressing practical competition enforcement and policy issues. It is not an inter-governmental organisation but organised by and for the competition authorities.
The ICN promotes efficient and effective competition enforcement worldwide to the benefit of consumers and businesses. It also seeks to develop and promote procedural and substantive benchmarks, and to support newer competition authorities in their efforts to enforce their competition laws and to build a competition culture in their jurisdictions.
Following a call for expressions of interest in April 2015, the Commission has appointed Stephen Crosswell, Martyn Huckerby, Clara Ingen-Housz, Mark Jephcott, Kelvin Kwok, Sandra Marco Colino and Natalie Yeung as its Non-Governmental Advisers (NGAs) to the ICN for a period of two years from 1 July 2015.
The Commission has been an active member of the ICN and is already engaged in the work of a number of ICN Working Groups. Support from the wider competition community in Hong Kong by way of NGA participation will ensure that maximum benefit is obtained from the Commission's membership of ICN.
OECD/Korea Policy Centre Competition Programme
The OECD/Korea Policy Centre Competition Programme is a joint venture between the Korean government and the OECD. Opened in May 2004, the Centre works with competition authorities in the Asia-Pacific region to develop and implement effective competition law and policy. The Commission is an active participant of The OECD/Korea Policy Centre Competition Programme.