The Competition Commission (Commission) exercises the functions as provided in the Competition Ordinance (Ordinance). It oversees the work of the executive arm of the Commission and approves all major decisions. The Commission currently has a Chairman and 15 Members who are all appointed by the Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, and the appointments took effect on 1 May 2024 for a period of two years. Commission Members are drawn from different fields, including those who have relevant expertise and experience in industry, commerce, economics, accounting, law, small and medium enterprises, finance and consumer protection.
To facilitate its work, the Commission established three working committees, namely, the Enforcement Committee, the Finance and Administration Committee and the Staff Committee. These committees meet regularly and report their work to the Commission.
The Commission Members are committed to a high level of integrity in discharging their functions and follow the code of conduct established by the Commission.
List of Commission Members
Code of Conduct for Commission / Committee Members
The Commission has established a committee of Members of the Commission (the “Enforcement Committee”) to perform such functions of the Commission as the Commission delegates to it and to advise the Commission on enforcement matters.
Functions of the Enforcement Committee
The Enforcement Committee exercises a number of functions in relation to the investigation of conduct that may contravene the conduct rules in the Competition Ordinance (Cap.619) (the “Ordinance”) and applications for a Commission decision.
In particular, the Enforcement Committee is tasked with:
While the Commission has delegated certain of its powers to the Enforcement Committee as outlined above at points a. and b. (“Delegated Powers”), only the Commission may exercise the following non-delegable powers:
Should it so wish, the Enforcement Committee may refer any matter within scope of the Delegated Powers to the Commission for a decision.
List of Enforcement Committee members
Prof. Anna WONG Wai-kwan (Chairperson)
Mr. Nicholas CHAN Hiu-fung, MH, JP
Mr. Samuel CHAN Ka-yan, BBS, JP
Ms. Jennifer CHAN Pui-kwan
Prof. FONG Yuk-fai
Ms. Sabrina HO Shuk-ying
Prof. Vincent LAU Kin-nang
Mr. Roy NG Chun-tat
Mr. Symon WONG Yu-wing
Mr. Eric XIN Yue-sheng
i Where the Commission investigates an alleged contravention of a conduct rule, it will generally do so in two phases: (i) an Initial Assessment Phase; and (ii) an Investigation Phase. For further information on the Investigation Phase of a Commission investigation, see Part 5 of the Commission's Guideline on Investigations.
The Finance and Administration Committee formulates principles and guidelines governing financial and administrative matters, including financial management control, accounting procedures and general administration management.
Functions of Finance and Administration Committee
List of Finance & Administration Committee members
Mr. Patrick LAW Fu-yuen (Chairperson)
Mr. Matthew LAM Kin-hong, BBS, MH, JP
Dr. Billy MAK Sui-choi
Mr. Webster NG Kam-wah, JP
The Staff Committee formulates principles and guidelines governing human resources management matters, including recruiting staff to the executive arm of the Commission and staff management.
Functions of Staff Committee
List of Staff Committee members
Ms. Jennifer CHAN Pui-kwan (Chairperson)
Mr. Nicholas CHAN Hiu-fung, MH, JP
Mr. Calvin CHAN Ka-wai, MH
Mr. Patrick LAW Fu-yuen
Mr. Roy NG Chun-tat
The Hon. Jimmy NG Wing-ka, BBS, JP
Mr. Eric XIN Yue-sheng