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Dr. Billy MAK Sui-choi


Dr. Billy MAK Sui-choi

Dr. Billy Mak is currently an Associate Professor of the Department of Accountancy, Economics and Finance, and Associate Director (Financial Policy) of the Centre for Corporate Governance and Financial Policy at Hong Kong Baptist University. His research topics focus on the equity market, financial planning, and Hong Kong property market. He has authored numerous publications and papers on securities markets and investment. Dr. Mak is frequently interviewed by the media on the Hong Kong economy and property market issues. He is also the guest host of Metro Finance Radio and a special contributor to various newspapers.

On professional and community services, Dr. Mak is currently a Member of the Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Advisory Committee, the Deposit Protection Appeals Tribunal, the Steering Committee for the Pilot Programme to Enhance Talent Training for the Asset and Wealth Management Sector (WAM Pilot Programme), the Registration Committee of Chinese Gold and Silver Exchange Society, the Standing Commission on Civil Service Salaries and Conditions of Service, the Minimum Wage Commission and the Hong Kong Housing Authority.

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