Prof. Vincent LAU Kin-nang
Prof. Vincent Lau joined the Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology in August 2004 and is currently a Chair Professor. He has been the technology advisor and consultant for a number of companies and has worked on various advanced wireless technologies, such as the Long Term Evolution (4G LTE) and the 5G+ systems. He had worked at Hong Kong Telecom and Bell Labs – Lucent Technologies in the United States.
Prof. Lau obtained his bachelor’s degree in electrical and electronic engineering from the University of Hong Kong in 1992 and received his Ph.D. from the University of Cambridge in 1997. He has published over 400 articles in top international journals and conferences, and is the author of three books on communication technologies. He has contributed more than 50 US patents on wireless communication systems. He is a Fellow of the Hong Kong Academy of Engineering Sciences, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers and the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers, the Croucher Senior Research Fellow and a Changjiang Chair Professor.
Prof. Lau is a member of Communications Authority and the Chairperson of its Telecommunications Affairs Committee. He is also a member of Innovation and Technology Fund Research Projects Assessment Panel (Electronics Subgroup) of the Innovation and Technology Fund administered by the Innovation and Technology Commission.
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