COMPETE: Cartel Hunters, co-produced by the Competition Commission and RTHK, is Hong Kong’s first docudrama series adapted from real-life competition law cases handled by the Commission. With vivid characters and an upbeat plot, the series raises public attention to the Commission’s enforcement efforts and deepens understanding of the Competition Ordinance. In the five half-hour episodes, four investigators of the Commission take the audience through the investigation of several cases involving different anti-competitive conduct, including bid-rigging, market sharing, price fixing, exchange of sensitive information and facilitation of collusive agreement.
Born to a grassroots family, Johnny grows up in a public housing estate and works his way to success. Rational, humorous, and contemplative, he separates work and personal life and never socialises with colleagues outside of work. Enjoys gardening and Chinese music.
Ambitious and diligent, Ashley takes her work seriously and speaks with a bluntness that often rubs people the wrong way. She and Sean joined the Commission in the same year, and their different work approaches give rise to rivalry. Rumours has it that she has a boyfriend of seven years.
A free spirit who cares about looks and appearances, albeit a penny-pincher. Observant and mindful, Sean often spots the crux of the matter from tiny details. Single and a casual dater. Sees Johnny as his mentor.
A novice with high IQ but low EQ, Nicole is a quick-learner with rough edges and acts on intuition. Growing up spoiled by her family, she has little understanding of the difficulties faced by the grassroots.
Composed, arranged and performed by:
Nowhere Boys
Lyrics: | Oscar |
人在世 誰都要 好好闖一趟
(In Chinese only)
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